Update user settings (Internal / DATABASE)

{ updateUsersDb }

Updates user details in the system for Internal / Database Authentication.



  • API Section: /API2/access
  • API Version: 2.0
  • From Release: 2020.10
  • Method operates via POST actions only.
  • Input Parameters



    Object Type


    The object used to update a database authentication user.

    Output Response

    Successful Result Code


    Response Type

    Description of Response Type

    Generic API response object with success or failure flag and related messages.


    Use this only if the database is used as the authentication provider.

    Create new database user (JavaScript):

    This example demonstrates how to create a new tenant, user and roles in Pyramid, when using database authentication.

    The example uses API authentication driven from JavaScript. See Authentication APIs for alternatives.

    // URL of the Pyramid installation and the path to the API 2.0 REST methods
    var pyramidURL = "http://mysite.com/api2/";
    // step 1: authenticate admin account and get token
    // NOTE: callApi method is a generic REST method shown below.
    let token = callApi("auth/authenticateUser",{
    log("got token "+token);
    // step 2: create a new tenant to house new users
    let createTenantResult = callApi("access/createTenant",{
    	"tenant": {
    		"name": "Test Tenant 1", //tenant caption
    		"viewerSeats": 1, //number of allocated seats
    		"proSeats": 1  //number of allocated seats
    	"auth": token // admin token generated above
    // step 3: get auto generated tenant ID from step 2 result.
    let tenantId = createTenantResult.data.modifiedList[0].id;
    log("created tenant, id= "+tenantId);
    // step 4: create new user in new tenant. using DB method, because using local db authentication
    let createUser = callApi("access/createUserDb",{
    	"user": {
    	"userName": "user1",
    	"password": "1234",
    	"firstName": "first",
    	"lastName": "last",
    	"email": "email@pyramidanalytics.com",
    	"adminType": 0, //admin type enumeration: normal user
    	"clientLicenseType": 100, //license type enumeration: viewer
    	"statusID": 1, //status "enabled"
    	"tenantId": tenantId //tenant Id from previous step
    	"auth": token // admin token generated above
    // step 5: get auto generated user ID from step 4 result.
    let userId = createUser.data.modifiedList[0].id;
    log("created user "+userId);
    //step 6: optional step to update user's first name
    let updateUser=callApi("access/updateDbUsers",{
    		"firstName":"new first name"
    	"auth": token
    //step 7: create new role in tenant
    let createRole=callApi("access/createRole",{
    	"data": {
    		"roleName": "new role",
    		"isPrivate": false, // private roles are only for individual users. this should always be FALSE.
    		"isHidden": false, // hidden roles appear only in the admin - not for end users.
    		"tenantId": tenantId,
    		"isGroupRole": false //?????????????
    	"auth": token
    // step 8: get auto generated role ID from step 7 result.
    let roleId = createRole.data.modifiedList[0].id;
    log("created role "+roleId);
    // step 9: associate user with role
    let addUserToRole = callApi("access/addUserToRole",{
    	"data": {
    	"userId": userId,
    	"roleId": roleId
    	"auth": token
    log("addUserToRole was sucsseful since errorMessage is empty "+addUserToRole.data.errorMessage.length==0);
    // ##### optional generic logging method for debugging ##############
    function log(msg){
    // ##### generic REST API calling method ##############
    function callApi(path,data,parseResult=true){
    	var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
    	xhttp.open("POST", pyramidURL+path, false);
    		return JSON.parse(xhttp.responseText);
    		return xhttp.responseText;